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Services: Services

A single place where you can see all your technology data.

An overview of what we do.


STATE3 Enterprise is designed to show how all parts of your organisation connect and work together. It offers a deep dive into the following areas and how they interact:


Deep dive into each technology across your organisation to know what it does and how it works with what you do, your people and your wider business.


Gain full knowledge of the infrastructure within your organisation. Know what is in use, where technology is used, how your servers are working, and more.


Technology is driven by people who have diverse needs and impacts. With STATE3 Enterprise, you can get a grasp of how your people access, use, and understand technology


 Know how your business and technology work in sync. See the role of automation, where people affect processes, and how it all relates


Know how data works across your organisation. Knowing this, you can easily manage data and handle data risks.


Know where your assets are physically located. See your people, infrastructure, and data locations


Know more about your contracts. Easily see when you need to renew to stop ad-hoc disruptions, total costs, who manages the contract, and more.


STATE3 Enterprise can be used to take the risk out of change management, take care of technology contracts, help with maintenance, and more.

Impact Assessments

Understand how change will impact your organisation


See a slice of your current state by perspective – including technology, infrastructure, certificates, data entities, risk and people

Site Wide Access

Ensures business, technology users and vendors can access information from the same place and your intellectual property is captured in STATE3 Enterprise

STATE3 Enterprise catalogues:

Software and technologies, servers, business activities, data entities and contracts are all catalogued for easy visualisation

STATE3 Enterprise visualises:

Application criticality, risk indicators, confirmation of technology, product and server maps and organisational risk are all easily visualised through STATE3.


STATE3 Enterprise is completely Microsoft based. Our cloud-based system is designed with integration and security requirements central to enable our one-of-a-kind current state view.

Platform Built

STATE3 Enterprise is completely Microsoft based, using app servers, databases, storage accounts.

Cloud Based

STATE3 Enterprise is primarily cloud based.

Integrates your Data

We integrate into any data source to connect into the STATE3 Enterprise system.


We use multiple layers of security.

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